Dev environment configuration

Instructions for launching a bridge instance for developers:

  1. Install Rust and Docker.

  2. Install Anchor: and select version 0.30.1:

avm install 0.30.1
avm use 0.30.1
  1. Generate a new keypair: solana-keygen new --no-bip39-passphrase -s -o anchor.json.

  2. Install yarn.

  3. Run yarn at the project root.

  4. Run anchor test to test BTC relay program.

  5. Run anchor build && cd block_relayer && cargo test to start E2E tests of all bridge components.

Block relayer

The Block Relayer uses a TOML configuration format. On startup, it attempts to open a config.toml file in its working directory. For detailed configuration options, refer to the example configuration file.

The Block Relayer is a command-line tool with several subcommands:

block-relayer [SUBCOMMAND]

Available subcommands:

  • init-deposit: Initialize a BTC deposit to the Relay program's PDA (currently unimplemented)

  • init-program: Initialize the BTC relay program on the Yona network

  • relay-blocks: Start relaying Bitcoin blocks to the Yona network

  • relay-transactions: Start the transaction relaying service

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd yona-block-relayer
  2. Create a config.toml file in the project root directory, using the provided example as a template.

  3. Run the desired command:

    cargo run -- [SUBCOMMAND]

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